Too much to think about...

If you're an instructor, how often do you hear that phrase? There's just too much to think about. How often have you said it in your own personal practice? How many times have you said it to your instructor? How many times have you said this at work, at home and in all aspects of your day to day life?  

There's just too much to think about.


Well, you're right and you're oh so wrong.


Yes, Pilates is complex, it has many layers. Any pursuit we have is complex. Just like an onion, there are so many layers to peel back and you must go one at a time.


My mom always tells me, and continues to tell me, you just have to start somewhere. Start with one thing and just start chipping away at it and before too long you'll notice how far you've come. My mom is so right.

In Pilates, instead of focusing on how many things there are to think about just focus on one thing at a time until you perfect it. Don't rush the process. You have to start with a solid base or else there's nothing to build upon. You must have something to build upon.

In life, try to do the same. Focus on one or two things that need to get done instead of getting overwhelmed by the massive to-do list, laundry pile or email inbox.


One. Thing. At. A. Time.

Next time you're in Pilates, teaching Pilates or just straight up feeling overwhelmed try to take just one thing at a time. I think you'll be amazed at how that focus truly changes everything.

Life, Pilateslori