Transitions As the caption above states, transitions are an integral part of the method. Transitions are so integral that "Flow" or "Efficiency of Movement" is one of the six principles of the Pilates method.  The exercises literally flow from one to the other building upon the prior exercise and creating tons of strength and stamina in the practitioner. These transitions allow the "Flow" or "Efficiency of Movement" to coordinate the exercises together cohesively instead of having them broken up and isolated. This allows for an total body workout working from the core of the body to the extremities in one solid sequence. Without proper transitions, the Pilates method can become disembodied and the exercises disjointed. Like all things in the method, getting down the proper transitions take some time. Once the transitions are fluid there will be a huge difference in how the work feels! The video shows the transition from standing to the mat work. Try it next time you work out and let me know what you think and notice how it changes how your 100s change!
